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Revealing 12 foods rich in antioxidants that few people know

Adding antioxidant-rich foods to your daily nutritional menu can help protect cells from free radical damage.

Normally, the concentrations of antioxidants and free radicals in the body are similar. However, the number of free radicals sometimes increases abnormally, leading to a state of oxidative stress. If you do not take action early, a range of complications can occur, including:

The simplest way to completely solve the above problem is to increase the antioxidant content. Although the body can synthesize these molecules on its own, the quantities are negligible. Therefore, you will need to supplement them by eating.

So, do you know what foods you need to add to your diet? Let Hello Bacsi introduce you to 12 antioxidant-rich foods through the article below.

1. Dark chocolate with top antioxidant content

Unlike milk chocolate or white chocolate, the cocoa content in dark chocolate is very high. As a result, this food contains a rich amount of minerals and antioxidants, even surpassing berries like blueberries or raspberries.

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In addition, the nutritional value of dark chocolate brings the following benefits

Reduced inflammation and lower risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Lower blood pressure readings of approximately 4.5 mm Hg systolic and 2.5 mm Hg diastolic

Increases “good” cholesterol (HDL) while preventing oxidation of “bad” cholesterol (LDL)

2. Pecans: nutritious but also high in calories

Pecans or pecans are native to South America, especially Mexico. Researchers appreciate the healthy fats, minerals and antioxidant content of this nut.

This antioxidant-rich food is known for its ability to reduce “bad” cholesterol levels by 26-33% within 2-8 hours of consumption. However, few people know that 20% of your total daily calorie intake can come from pecans.

Therefore, to avoid consuming too many calories, you need to consider the amount of pecans you eat each day.

3. Blueberries: a rich source of anthocyanins

According to some statistics, blueberries are considered to be the richest source of antioxidants among vegetables and fruits.

Anthocyanins, the active ingredient found in large amounts in this fruit, play an important role in lowering LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, thus preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, some studies have shown that other nutrients in blueberries have the ability to prolong the decline in brain function, a health condition that tends to occur over time.

Not only that, but the aforementioned berries are relatively low in calories. As a result, blueberries have become a familiar “face” in many healthy diets.

4. Strawberries: an antioxidant-rich berry

Another popular antioxidant-rich food is the strawberry, which is a good source of vitamin C. Similar to blueberries, strawberries also contain high levels of anthocyanins, so they can significantly lower “bad” cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol levels in the blood.

As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease is also greatly reduced.

5. Artichokes not only support liver detoxification

It has long been known that artichokes have the ability to cool the liver and detoxify the body. However, few people know that this plant is also a rich source of fiber, minerals and antioxidants. In particular, chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant molecule, can be found in many artichokes.

According to the results of many studies, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of chlorogenic acid may prevent a number of health problems, such as


Type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular diseases

In addition, you should note that the antioxidant content in artichokes will vary depending on how you prepare them, for example.

Boiled: the amount of antioxidant molecules is increased by 8 times

Steamed: the amount of nutrients can increase 15 times

Deep-fried: there is a risk of significant loss of antioxidant levels

6. Goji berries, a popular folk medicine

Goji berries or wolfberries are a common ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine and are known for their rich vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content.

According to the results of one study, after drinking goji berry milk for 90 days, older participants had a 57% increase in blood antioxidant activity levels.

Goji polysaccharides are the characteristic antioxidant molecules of goji berries. In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer, this active ingredient is appreciated for its ability to help prevent skin aging.

However, scientific evidence on the health benefits of Goji berry in humans is still limited. Experts still need to conduct more in-depth studies in this area.

7. The antioxidant properties of raspberries should not be ignored

Raspberries are soft-bodied fruits with a slightly tart flavor. Because they belong to a group of berries similar to blueberries or strawberries, raspberries are also considered to be one of the foods rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. In addition, it contains high amounts of fiber and manganese.

Many experts appreciate the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of blackberries, which can slow down as well as inhibit the effects of many types of cancer. According to the results of a test tube study, the antioxidants and other nutrients in this berry killed 90% of mutant cells in stomach, colon and breast tissue.

However, scientists need the results of more human studies to increase the reliability of this hypothesis before making it public.

8. Don’t forget kale, which has a significant amount of antioxidants

Like broccoli and cauliflower, kale is a member of the cruciferous family. Many people know about this antioxidant-rich food because of its high content of vitamins A, C and K.

In particular, red kale may contain twice as many antioxidant molecules compared to other types, according to nutrition experts. In addition, kale is also a rich source of calcium, thus supporting the maintenance of bone health as well as playing an integral role.

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